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GSearch Pro - Troubleshooting Guide

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Generally using GSearch Pro is trouble-free. However, based on specific circumstances in which it is used, there may be some minor adjustments required.

  • Ads are not shown along with the search results

If no ads are shown at all along with search results with GSearch Pro, trying using some keywords like 'Hotels' or 'Las Vegas Hotels' etc. They are very likely to show. In that case, the keyword that you tested with earlier was not a keyword for which there are ads at all.

If ads are not seen with the above keywords too, then please change the Google AdSense Publisher ID add a prefix "ca-" to it. So, if your publisher ID entered was pub-1234567887654321, please change it to ca-pub-1234567887654321.


If ads are not seen even with the above change, then you probably need to check whether your Google AdSense account is active! If you just opened an account, please wait for sometime. Otherwise, please try to login into your Google AdSense account and see if there are any blocked URLs. If you are still not sure, it is best to send an email to Google AdSense Support (adsense-support [at] google [dot] com).

  • Some template effects are missing after publishing GSearch Pro module.

For hooking search results with Joomla! core search, we use jQuery. Some versions of mootools script may have incompatibility with this script. The only alternative here is to switch off the 'hook'.

In the component configuration, please look for Change Joomla Search's Behaviour? and uncheck the checkbox in front of it. The problem will go away.

  • Results page is blank or reports errors

Probably related to the SEF component in your Joomla! installation. If you are using sh404SEF, OpenSEF, JoomSEF or any other, there will be an option to exclude some components from the SEF URLs. Please go there and 'exclude' GSearch Pro component.

This is because, the results are pulled from Google AdSense into your Joomla! page. The communication is made using your publisher ID and other configuration details so that results and ads are delivered appropriately. If this URL gets SEF'd, then it will result in errors. 

  • Cannot change the configuration of GSearch Pro. Any change made does not show in the frontend.

This is rare and not related to GSearch itself. The configuration details are stored in the database and probably there is something wrong there.

Please use phpMyAdmin or some other database management program and optimize the tables of your Joomla! database. If it still does not help, please uninstall the GSearch Pro component, delete the table #_gsearchpro_settings from your Joomla! database and then reinstall the component.

  • MORE? 

If you have any new errors or if the above solutions do not work for you, please do contact us through the contact form above and we will assist you. However, if you need us to do the troubleshooting by our technical support on your site, please get the GSearch Pro support package from the store. We will need temporary access to your Joomla! admin and FTP/cPanel. 

How to order the support package?

Please login into the store at the . The support package is tied to your GSearch Pro order.

Option 1: View Your Orders > (Select the GSearch Pro order) VIEW > Order Product Extras

Option 2: Copy-paste this link your browser and replace YOUR_ORDER_NUMBER with your order number for JTrans Pro (3 or 4 digit number).

If there is any problem, please do contact us.



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