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JTrans Pro - Joomla Translation Component

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Give your site users to access your website content in up to THIRTEEN additional languages, automatically! This module utilizes online translation servers (Google and Yahoo Babelfish) to deliver you these THIRTEEN translations in seconds. The best part is, you do not even need to know these languages yourself!

These SEF URLs are indexable by search engines. This means increased traffic from even those countries that do not speak the original language of your site! And increased revenue if you have revenue generation streams on your site, like Google AdSense!

We have a 30-day 100% moneyback guarantee. No need for trial version. Try the "real" version! 


  • THIRTEEN languages - French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Greek, Portuguese, Russian, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified and Korean! More languages are added with time. Translation from other languages is also available! For example, German sites can be translated to English and English sites to German, so with other languages.
  • SEF URLs - translated page will look like
  • Cache - Translated pages are kept in Joomal cache for a configurable time, for faster loading.
  • Multiple copies - You can have as many copies of the module as you want on your domain and use different languages on different sections of your site.
  • Dropdown combo box option for languages, URL exclusion, URL string exclusion available.
  • Life-time license with free upgrades forever! License is NOT permanently locked to your domain, it can be reissued and used on another domain too.
  • Free support on Customer Support Desk
  • Installation Support as an extra add-on. If you purchase this extra package below, please make sure that you provide us with your Joomla admin access and hosting cPanel/FTP access to go ahead with the installation.


  • Works on Joomla! 1.0.x only. Not tested on Mambo or other systems.
  • Guaranteed to work on Linux and related servers only. Not on Windows servers.
  • Please note this component will NOT translate secure pages and password protected content.
  • Thirteen additional languages are available if your source language is English. For others, the available languages will vary. Please see 'Languages available' in the index on the right side.
  • It is recommended that Search Engine Friendly URLs be enabled in your Joomla! for seamless translation. Tested with Joomla! core SEF, sh404SEF, OpenSEF, ArtioJoomSEF and SEF Advance. Currently not compatible with Windows based servers.
  • This product is bundled with ionCube and requires free ioncube loaders on your site
  • Licensing is done by remote authentication on installation.
  • As the component uses Google and Yahoo servers for translation, the translation is dependent on them and influenced by changes in those services.
Please do understand that the translations are dependent on the quality of language in your site in terms of grammar and spelling. Automatic translations by these services cannot be as accurate and flowery as human professional translation. But human translation is time consuming and very VERY expensive. If you were to get your average sized site human-translated into these thirteen languages, it would cost you at least tens of thousands of US dollars.

JTrans Pro is a highly efficient component, as it has the advantage of time (instantaneous implementation) and cost!

Languages available with JTrans Pro: 

Thirteen languages are available if your source language is English. Please refer to the grid below for full details on translations available if your source language is other than English.

As Google and Yahoo support more languages, we will add them to the extension too. The quality of translations by these services is gradually increasing and that gets updated real-time with JTrans Pro.

Please do understand that the translations are dependent on the quality of language in your site in terms of grammar and spelling. Automatic translations by these services cannot be as accurate and flowery as human professional translation. But human translation is time consuming and very VERY expensive. If you were to get your average sized site human-translated into these thirteen languages, it would cost you at least tens of thousands of US dollars.

JTrans Pro is a highly efficient component, as it has the advantage of time (instantaneous implementation) and cost!

Source Language Available Languages for Translation with JTrans Pro
English  French German  Spanish  Italian  Dutch  Greek  Portuguese  Russian  Arabic  Japanese  ChineseT
English*  This language is available!  This language is available!
This language is available!
This language is available!
This language is available!
This language is available!
This language is available!
This language is available!
This language is available!
This language is available!
This language is available!
This language is available!
This language is available!
This language is available!
French*  This language is available!
This language is available!
This language is available!
This language is available!
This language is available!
This language is available!
This language is available!
This language is available!
German This language is available!
This language is available!
This language is available!
Spanish This language is available!
This language is available!
  This language is available!
Italian This language is available!
This language is available!
    This language is available!
Dutch  This language is available!
This language is available!
      This language is available!
Greek This language is available!
This language is available!
        This language is available!
Portuguese This language is available!
This language is available!
          This language is available!            
Russian  This language is available!
              This language is available!
Arabic  This language is available!
                This language is available!
This language is available!
                  This language is available!
Chinese T
This language is available!
                    This language is available!
This language is available!
Chinese S
This language is available!
                    This language is available!
This language is available!
Korean This language is available!
                        This language is available!

* These two source languages have the maximum number of languages available for translation. You can configure the source language of your site in the module backend. 



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