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PageBreakMyJspaceThis plugin add the ability to split a long article into multiple linked pages. The splits are added using the 'Page break' button editor. The plugin add extra feature compare to the default Joomla pagebreak plugin. Key features - Split a content or a personal page into a multiple linked pages - Compatible with the Joomla articles content and BS Myjspace personal page content (option to select : Articles, Pages or boths) - Ability to include the pagebreak css for the template with no pagebreak compatibility - Ability to select position (left or right) - Ability to show (default) or Hide index heading - Ability to custom index heading text - Ability to display a table of contents on multipage - Ability to display the full page link - Abillity to display a page counter - Ability to select index style: regular (default) or Rollup - Ability to select a class name for the index heading - Ability to show all 'pages' as default - Languages (fr-FR & en-GB included)

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