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ZOOlingualZOOlingual introduce for the first time Multilanguage capabilities to ZOO! This plugins requires NO HACK to the ZOO core at all! Just install this as a normal Joomla! plugin and you ZOO catalog will become multilingual. No need to go through Joomfish or other translation management components! Just translate your items and your categories directly into your ZOO administration area. This plugin works both on Joomla 1.5 and 1.6. Just install the right version and you're ready to go! We offer a detailed documentation on our website, with screenshots and videos; if the extension gives you some problems, we have a private support center for our subscribers! Features: * Translate Elements * Translate Item title, slug and metadata * Translate Categories title, description, slug and metadata informations * Assign Translations to positions: you can hide / show things based on the language! * Works with ANY ZOO apps out of the box (even custom ones) Requires ZOO 2.4.7 + to work

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