
Zaragoza Tags System for Joomla

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Zaragoza Tags System for JoomlaZaragoza Tags System for Joomla provides Joomla an efficient and powerful tag classification system. The system is formed for Taxonomy for Joomla component, Zaragoza Clouds and Tags Selector modules and Zaragoza Tags, Icon Tags y Zaragoza Tags Search plugins. With this set of extensions we can easily implement a complete tag classification system in Joomla. This system also provides Joomla a great tool to improve the web SEO. The component has been developed thinking in good web and database performances. The database querys are cached so the extensions do not ask again to the database until the caché is expired (15 minutes by default). That's why Zaragoza Tags System for Joomla is recommended for both low and high traffic sites. The Zaragoza Tags System for Joomla is SH404sef and Joomfish compatible. which is the tags origin? You can work with: 1. Article tags provided by the articles metakey fields (in all the system extensions). Joomla articles metakey field (table # __content). 2. Article content words, sized for amount of appearance (this option is only available in the component Taxonomy for Joomla and in the module Zaragoza Clouds). System structure and composition: Zaragoza Tags System for Joomla * Taxonomy for Joomla This component receive the other system extensions requests and show the tag results. It allows also to create six different menu elements: the Tags Cloud, the "Taxonomy" view , the " Blog view", and three Sitemaps views (sitemap with all the tags, a news sitemap by tag and a sitemap with the items by selected tags). * Zaragoza Clouds This module generates automatically a Cloud with the article tags or with the most used words from your content items sized by their amount of appearance. * Tag Selector This module generates automatically a selector with your system tags. * Zaragoza Tags This plugin (content plugin) displays the article tags in your cotent items. * Icon Tags This plugin (content plugin) displays selected tags as icons. * Zaragoza Tags Search This plugin (search plugin) complements the Joomla searches (com_search). It allow to display search results that match with items tags. Note: the you must unzip the package and install each extension separately.

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