
Yt VirtueMart Simple Tabs

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Yt VirtueMart Simple TabsToday, i am pleased to announce that Yt VirtueMart Simple Tabs module has release. The module shows categories as tabs. In each tab, it allows you to show a main product and other related items. With 4 themes and more options, you will easy change the module to your suitable. Features: * Support all browsers (IE, FireFox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, ...) * 4 Themes: Theme 1, Theme 2, Theme 3, Theme 4. You can see the screenshots below. * Support Multi-Module in the same page * Support Multi-Language * Show products in Categories * Show the special products * Show images with Ascending/Descending of date field, hist field or random * Limit the number of articles to show to the module * Support SEO (Search engine optimization) * Easy to change the title of article: color, background color, the number of characters * Support the link to image and title * Support opening link in: Same Window, New Window * Support Resized or Cropped Image * Add note for the module in some cases. * Limit the characters of the title and the description * Support caching to make your website loads faster * Support to change the default link product to other link

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