
Yelp Reviews

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Yelp Reviews** Joomla Yelp Reviews Deals Gifts Module ** ** Joomla Yelp Module will help you showing your Yelp Business Page Reviews, Gift Certificates, Deals on your Joomla Site easily. You can use the module as 4 different purposes. ---------- Yelp Badge Module ** Show Number of Ratings ** Show Rating Stars ** Company Name ** Link to Yelp Page --------- Show Yelp Reviews ** You can show latest Yelp Reviews of your Business ( Up to 3 ) --------- Show Yelp Deals You can show latest Yelp Coupons of your Business --------- Show Yelp Gift Certificates ** You can show latest Yelp Gift Certificatesof your Business Very Easy to use! All you need to do is : ** Installing Module via Joomla Installer ** Creating a Yelp Developer Account ** Enter Account parameters at module backend ** Publish ** For customizations; there is a css file IMPORTANT NOTE: You need to create a Developer account at to use this module.

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