
Viper Youtube Video Gallery Pro

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Viper Youtube Video Gallery ProThe Youtube Video Gallery Pro is a non-flash (smart phone friendly), quick video loading module that is designed to provide a sleek, refreshing look to your website's video gallery. This module quickly loads videos with JavaScript so you don't have to reload the entire page. It includes 4 layout styles that include a thumbnail scroller, grid layout, static video box, and a popup mediabox. The popup media box includes 4 different design styles including a dark theme, light theme, ultimate theme, and minimal theme. This module is very easy to use. Just install it, add your youtube video IDs, and you're ready to go. Features: - Just list the Youtube IDs and let the module do the rest! - Settings that allow 4 layout display styles (See Demo for details) - 4 popup mediabox styles including Dark, Light, Ultimate, and Minimal - Non flash so it works on smart phones with JavaSript enabled - Loads video with JavaScript without reloading the entire page - Option to display thumbnails in scroller or gallery grid style - Option to display main video in a static videobox or popup mediabox - Automatically gets the video titles from youtube

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