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TiendaTienda is a complete ecommerce extension for Joomla from the crew that brought you JUGA, AMBRA SUBSCRIPTIONS, SYNK, AMIGOS, and BILLETS. Tienda is not a fork or bridge; it is a brand new extension designed and written from scratch by Dioscouri Design. It is built on Joomla's MVC framework and can therefore be easily modified or themed using Joomla's templates. Tienda has been built with you, the site's administrator, in mind. While building Tienda, we focused on answering the question, "What would make it easier for us to operate our online stores?" For a full feature list and video previews, please see our Tienda page overview: And if you are interested in following development on Tienda, please join us at Tienda is currently an alpha which means it should only be used for testing. It should not be used on a live site. During alpha, no support for using this extension in a live environment will be provided. We expect Tienda to be in beta by March 2010, at which point you may use it on a live site and we will offer support. Cheers!

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