
SobiPro Statistics: Content Statistics for SobiPro

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SobiPro Statistics: Content Statistics for SobiProSobiPro Statistics with any TIMEFRAME. Go beyond the simple "number of hits" feature and add a time variable to your reports and lists. You can make statistics on anything on your SobiPro site. Top viewed/reviews/favoured listings, listing rankings, categories, owners... This plugin extends the functionality of the Rankings Module to allow you to make rankings on your SobiPro items. Make rankings of: -Top viewed Listings -Top viewed categories Combine the list above with any of the possible filters: -Current category listings -Current category (and its children categories) listings -Current section listings -Current autor listings -Specific category listings -Specific category (and its children categories) listings -Specific section listings -Specific autor listings -All category/listings/autor (equivalent to no filter) Additionally, optionaly filter by user options: -Current vieweing user (actions done only by that user) -Specific user (actions done only by that user) And, of course, combine the two lists above selecting your desired timeframe, in the "relative time" mode: -Last hour -Last 6 hours -Last 12 hours -Last day -Last 3 days -Last 5 days -Last week -Last 2 weeks -Last month -Last 6 months -Last year -All time Or in the "absolute time" mode: -Today -Yesterday -This week -Last week -This month -Last month -This year -Last year Show evolution of: -Listing views -Category views Combine the list above with any of the possible filters: -Current category/listing/autor being shown -Current category to which current listing belongs -Current section -Current autor to which current listing belongs -Specific category/listing/autor -Specific category to which current listing belongs -Specific section -Specific autor to which current listing belongs -All category/listing/autor (equivalent to no filter) Additionally, optionaly filter by user options: -Current vieweing user (actions done only by that user) -Specific user (actions done only by that user) And, of course, combine the two lists above selecting your desired timeframe, to complete the chart's x-axis to show the items evolution: -Last X days (define the number of days you want to consider) -Last X months (define the number of months you want to consider)

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