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"SlipTabs" is a Joomla module which provides a tabbed display of content. The tabs can on left, right, top or bottom of the content. The module can be downloaded from The software is released under GNU/GPLv3 on September 7, 2009. The software is developed by This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it The demo of the software can be viewed at The change of settings can be made Username/Password: demo/demo. Usage Instructions. 1. Install the module. 2. Go to Extensions/Module Manager 3. Edit module "SlipTabs" 4. Select Enabled "Yes" 5. Select Position for the display. For example "user2" 6. Select Joomla Section and Category with which the tab is to be created. For example "News/Newsflash" 7. Select "Item Ordering" 8. Select "Menu Position". Menu can be created on the left, right, top or bottom of the contents. 9. Enter the number of "Tab Counts". "0" to display all the tabs and other numbers to limit the tab counts.

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