
SJ VM Categories II

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SJ VM Categories IIToday, SJ VM Categories II for Virtuemart component has been released. You can use the module for showing all or some categories with links to their subcategories. With 4 nice themes and many useful features, SJ VM Categories II will make you enjoy it. We supported 4 themes with tooltips for showing the module. When you hover on title of parent categories, tooltip will show title and numbers of their subcategories. Otherwise, you can show more/hide list of categories if you want. Following list is main features of SJ VM Categories II MAIN FEATURES: + Support for Joomla 1.7 + Fully compatible IE7+, Firefox 2+, Flock 0.7+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5, Chrome. + Allow to change width of module + Allow to setup numbers of columns on per page or per tooltip + Allow to limit numbers of items of categories at level 2 + Allow to change max length of category's title + Allow to add link for images + Allow to choose open link with: New Window/Same Window/Popup + Support many thumbnail modes + You can change width/height of thumbnails + Support module caching.

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