
Show / Hide Content

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Show / Hide ContentEasily create nice sliding effects for showing and hiding sub-content in your Joomla! articles. Expands and collapses parts of the content by mouse-click or hover. Lots of parameters and the use of customizable templates, makes this Plugin very flexible and powerful. Features of "Show / Hide Content" * Mootools (1.11) sliding scroll effect by clicking or hovering over the title. * Use Plugin configurations, inline-tags and templates * Customize titles, title html, content-html-wrapper, images (displayed as a list) * Define other titles, images, title html-wrapper when the object is expanded * Define one or more CSS suffixes for title- and content-wrapper * Include CSS-files to page * Set slide duration * Define if the content will be open after loading * Hide title when object opens * Close object, if you click with the mouse on content * Set the direction: horizontal or vertical * Display as list, link or no link * Set title by hover with the mouse or make it the same as the object title

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