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Servired/Sermepa ('la Caixa - CaixaBank') Payment Gateway for VirtueMart

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Servired/Sermepa ('la Caixa - CaixaBank') Payment Gateway for VirtueMartWith this extension you can do a fully working implementation of Servired/Sermepa ('la Caixa - CaixaBank') payment gateway system 'virtual POS' (TPV Virtual in spanish) with VirtueMart electronic store Joomla! component. Sermepa is a very common POS in Spain and its used by several banks. It takes 15 minutes do the right installation. The archive contains the files that need to be uploaded, and screenshot guide of the installation in english, spanish, catalan and galician. We include in the package several PDF documents with detailed installation instruction (see 'installation_en.pdf', for instance). This is an excerpt: 1. Upload by FTP (or another similar method if you prefer) the files according to the detailed PDF installation instructions: 2. Modify the language archive/s. 3. Create the new method of payment in the VirtueMart. 4. Configure it with your POS data. 5. Insert the POS secret key. 6. Copy the contents of the tpv.txt file and paste it in the textarea 'Payment Extra Info:' of the new payment method created. 7. Save the configuration and we will have yet available the new payment method (make sure it is activated so that will be appear in the front-end of the on-line shop in the payment methods list). 8. Finished this process the buyers of your virtual shop will be able to pay his orders through the virtual POS with their credit cards. Please do not use the reviews to post support issues. Use our forum for that. Thanks.

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