
Securitycheck Pro

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Securitycheck ProSecuritycheck Pro performs a check of the versions of all the components of your joomla installation, comparing them with its database to show what products are updated and what not. Forget individually test of every component to avoid vulnerabilities: Securitycheck Pro does it for you. With its powerful plugin, you will be protected against more than 90 SQL, LFI and XSS attacks patterns. This highly configurable plugin has the following features: * Blacklist (ip range permitted). * Whitelist (ip range permitted). * Dynamic blacklist. * Logs all attacks, which can be viewed by admins from backend. * Alert or strict mode. * Redirection to a default page or drop connection if an attack is detected. * Second level protection to find suspect words (with editable list of suspect words). * Base64 check. * Email notification. * Filter exception, mode and priority selection for greater flexibility. Do you need more? Securitycheck Pro incorporates a database where you can see all the vulnerabilities known to our version of Joomla. This database is constantly updated to include the latest vulnerabilities. In addition , record all events so that they can be easily reviewed by the administrators of the site.

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