
Search Source

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Search SourceSearch Source is a very useful tool for joomla administrators. Search Source is a backend extension with only one text field and two checkboxes. This extension allows to run a search within the site, both on the server files visible through an FTP client as well as on the database. Search Source will not run a simple search based on file names but will open all the files on the server, will read their contents searching the word indicated by the administrator in the text field; this application will do the same for each field in each table of the database. Obviously, bigger is the site, longer will be searching time but, usually, searching time is within 30 seconds also for wide sites. But what might be useful this extension for? I often have to remove some words from components, or I must add an html element before a specified class div or an id. With Search Source it is very easy because you only need to install it as a normal extension and then run the research stating as keyword the text that you need to delete or the html element id ; then you can choose which kind of analysis you need to run: if based on files on the server or on database, and press search. Wait a few seconds and you'll get the list of paths on the server and / or database where occurrence has been found. At this point, simply access via ftp and navigate to the file according to the instructions of Search Source. Please do not hesitate to contact me for any issue, change or idea for improving Search Source

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