
RAXO All-mode PRO

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RAXO All-mode PROIt’s a very flexible and functional tool to display Joomla content/news/articles. We see application of this module on any sites that use basic Joomla Content Component. Now you have complete freedom to present your content in limitless variety of ways. Friendly and intuitive administration makes your work easy. Telling this we mean that it’s really easy. This module can replace such add-ons like "latest news", "popular content", "random articles", "display news", etc. No more need for many strictly specialized Joomla content modules – now you need just RAXO All-mode PRO. You save your time and efforts and become more effective. Some ideas where you can use RAXO All-mode: * display news with images (thumbnails); * the latest articles/news from the category(s), section(s); * to compose a page (usually it’s done the front page, but you can do it on any page) with info blocks from every section/ category (like news portals); * display popular or the most visited articles/news/other content for a certain period of time (day/week/month); * display your goods/products, or show you portfolio, or anything else that requires format "image + info". Most important features: + Thumbnail Auto Creation: set height and width and the module will generate fine thumbnails for your articles (resize/crop, maintain aspect). + TOP Items: emphasize the most impor­tant articles by creating particular views and different thumbnail sizes for top items. + Better Performance: highly optimized module code and thumbnail caching make for better server performance on busy sites. + Content Selection: more control than ever to choose any Joomla content: section(s), category(s) or specific articles. + Flexible Ordering: powerful order customization lets you sort out the latest news, most popular articles, etc. (13 possible variants). + Info Fields: enrich your content with additional information, such as section/category names (with links), author, hits and date. + Custom Templates: this incredible feature lets you display content with your own templates limited only by your own imagination. + Column Output: now you can easily display Joomla content in columns with our exclusive "column" template. + Friendly Administration: make your life easier. Great functionality and flexibility of the module will make it your favorite Joomla extension. List of features: + External image support (thumbnail creation for images located on other domains like image hosting, etc); + Default image (if the article hasn’t any images, module puts default image); + Images can be cropped to one size (you can set both/either hight and width); + Time interval (e.g. show popular news for the last 10 days); + Customizable date format; + Intro text limits (by number of symbols or by number of words); + Editable "read more" button; + Editable "show all" button (you can change the text and the link); + Joomla content plugins support; + Show/Hide front page articles;

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