
MyECP bridging between Joomla and osCommerce (or Fork)

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MyECP bridging between Joomla and osCommerce (or Fork)MyECP is a software which allow some bridging between Joomla and osCommerce (or Fork) and conceived for those willing to give a professional look to their site without a great knowledge of graphism. Joomla is aimed to these users. Among all existing sites as Joomlart, RocketTheme ou Yootheme, all are proposing quality templates with modules which help you to emphasize your products with a very simplified installation. Furthermore you wil save some money because with these kind of templates (Club Joomla) you will download and test as much templates as you can and this is not the same with a standard osCommerce template (or Fork) which offers only a unique graphism at a price 3 or 4 times higher than those of Joomla. Concerning the sessions of Jooma site and osCommerce shop, MyECP has a total control on both CMS. The sessions and expiration times are defined in Joomla own setiings. If the registered member of your site has checked the box "Remember me" in the connection form of Joomla, MyECP will understand it for the osCommerce CMS and at the next visit it will connect automatically the client account. If you have modified the "STORE_SESSIONS" settings to rule the sessions in file mode, MyECP will detect the change the both CMS will match perfectly. For inscriptions we have adapted our product for several types of possible situations. The first one is the standard inscriptionwhere MyECP will create automatically the client account on osCommerce. The second possibility is that the account already exists on the osCommerce CMS but not on Joomla or vice versa. In this cas MyECP will be able to create automatically the missing account and connect puis de le passer à sa connexion. Furthermore MyECP includes for client account management a personnalized synchronisation system which allows to synchronize client accounts which have not been created on both CMS. This is more than useful in case of use of Joomla components or osCommerce contribution who will need a complete list of client accounts as for example a mailing list. Concerning the osCommerce contributions, we have thought a long time about a unique and unreleased method which can permit you to make work any further installation of contribution. In fact what makes osCommerce different is that it can only evolve by PHP code editions found for example on the official site. It was then very important than MyECP be adaptable to any complementary installation of a osCommerce contribution. This is one of the main advantages of MyECP and no other bridge have this function. For modules management, MyECP use those of Joomla. They will be of course included in the installation pack and if you know already how to modify those of osCommerce (or "forks") we have adapted an API which you can use to build your own osCommerce module based on Joomla. You simply have to copy one of our modules or even ask some help on our forum => And last bu

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