
Module Sot Virtuemart Mega Slider

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Module Sot Virtuemart Mega SliderFeature of module Sot Virtuemart Mega Slider - Support for 'Virtuemart component' ( - Sot-Virtuemart-Mega-Slider is exciting module to show your product a gallery with 5 beauty themes. - This module is very dynamic for you can config how it display for each theme. - It support 2 scroll types (Horizontal & Vertical). - It support mouse wheel event (That you can scroll left and right). - You can config speed of slide effect and timer (Speed: speed for each slide time, Timer: time between each slide). - The Module allow you config row number and column number that you want display Support all browsers (IE, FireFox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, ...) Source items: Two options (from categories, specific products). Support turn on, turn off read more link. Support add link for title. Support the link for image. Support opening link in: Current Window or New Window. Support Resizing or Cropping images (thumb images and small thumd images). Could setting auto play or not, stop when hover or not Allow you change read more link text Support show price or not Support show out of stock or not Support show add to cart button or not Support speed and timer for slider Support 5 themes Support 2 scroll type (Horizontal & Vertical) Limit the characters of the description and title. Support caching to make website loads faster. Support Multi-Module on a page. Support Multi-Language. Support SEO (Search engine optimization).

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