
MarkItIUp HTML Editor Pro

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MarkItIUp HTML Editor ProMarkitup is a powerful new HTML editor for Joomla that gives you 100% control over your Joomla html code with full HTML5 tag support, multilingual support and handy utilities like the “Lorem Ipsum” generator (adds instant sample content to your articles), dummy image generator (adds sample images to your articles), form wizard, table wizard, advanced color picker tool & more. Up to 112 assignable html editor buttons in all can be dragged & dropped to your Markitup toolbar giving you complete control over your source code like never before. Most Joomla html editors are all WYSIWYG (“what you see is what you get”) and don’t give you any real control over your source code. And worse, those WYSIWYG editors can add unnecessary code to your output, disorganize your existing code, and even can overwrite your class attributes & styles. So much for all that hard work you put in making your site look just ‘right.’ With just a little html knowledge, writing html code is fun and easy with Markitup.

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