
MailPro Newsletter Subscription

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MailPro Newsletter SubscriptionMailPro is a newsletter and email solutions provider that helps people to create and publish newsletters and forms easily for any website. This module will help you to include any form you have created via your MailPro Account to your website. Module uses MailPro API to list and choose AddressBooks that you have created at your MailPro Account. At the module backend you can easily choose your MailPro AddressBook and customize your form fields easily. Easy to use and configure via module parameters without pain. For creating an absolute newsletter solution for all your Joomla Websites follow this steps: 1. Create your free MailPro Account. 2. Install Mail Pro Module 3. Configure via module parameters easily 4. Publish it at any Module Positions You can show Only Email Field or if you want up to 25 fields with email field! That is it! Check Demo Page, it is with 4 required fields but you can set more fields or just email field! Enjoy our free module!!!!

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