
Lucy Games

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Lucy GamesProvides a total of 4000+ games for free play. Windows, Mac and online versions in four languages: German, English, Spanish and French. All games are dowloadable and fully playable for free. If the end user likes the game will then pay for the full unlimited version. * Full game catalog: 4000+ titles * High quality games * Save hosting space: no game files in your server * Games for Windows, Macintosh and for online play * Games in four languages: English, German, Spanish and French * Fully integrated within your template * Uses standard CSS file to style * No advertising banners * Completely free, lifetime * Free e-mail support Component features: With this component users can browse throug our games catalog. You can select the default language (German, English, Spanish and French) and the platform (Windows, Macintosh or online games). Component seves as games listing, game search engine, featured games (today released, recent and best sellers). * Usable as home page * Games search capability * Configurable combination of these features: today release, recent and best sellers * Configurable number of games listed in a page * Games language and platform configurable and selectable by end users Module features: With this module You can show a portion of games catalog. The layout is fully configurable in the backend: games icon, title and description. You can put any number of modules you want in a page. * Selectable combination of: game icon, title and description * Three icons dimension: small, medium and large * Games language and platform configurable * Configurable number of games listed

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