
js Geocode Factory

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js Geocode FactoryThis Jomsocial plugin allows you to display a google map in the user profile, and automatical geocode its coordinates. This plugin is a free part of the component named Geocode Factory ( The Map and Geocode plugin (Jomsocial) allows you to display a map in the user profile, and allows the user to geocode (get the geo coordinates) hes position from the entered address (city, street, country, zipcode, etc) from the profil. Features are: display a compatibility test in the admin user profiles (to check if the server accept the Geocode Factory), display a google map on the user profile, with a marker at the user position, the google map is full customisable (size, controls, display, ...), the coordinates are find during the profile creation, profile edition and details edition (since 1.6). We have a good experience with the Geocode Factory for Community Builder.

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