
jQuery Plugin

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jQuery PluginAdds jQuery capability to your component/modules/plugins by adding a small piece of code in your component/module. * Load jQuery & jQuery UI libraries from Google CDN or local files * Load jQuery UI themes (currently 25 themes available) from Google CDN or local files * Choose the theme right from your plugin configuration * jQuery Form plugin support The plugin can be used by developers to enable jQuery support in their components and modules. Make sure you do not include jQuery or its plugins mentioned below are not loaded directly using script tag or other way in your components else the libearies will be loaded twice. With this plugin enabled, supported Joomla components/modules/plugins can simply call the below code to include selected jQuery & jQuery plugins: JPluginHelper::importPlugin( 'corejoomla' ); $dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance(); $dispatcher->trigger('onCallIncludeJQuery', array($params)); If you pass $params as an empty array, the selected libraries in the plugin configuration are loaded. You can override what libraries you want to load from your component/module by passing required paramters through $params variable as shown below $params = array('jquery','jqueryui','jqueryform'); Supported Libraries as of v1.0.0 * jQuery * jQuery UI (including 25 themes from ThemeRoller, can be selected from plugin configuration only) * jQuery Form Plugin

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