Module mod_jstat_counters is the most popular JoomlaStats extension. It provide 17 different statistic counters that can be presented on Joomla CMS front site. User have ability to disable/hide any counter and change order of counters. Module Counters is language independent and can be applied for any language. Module control panel (Joomla backend) is provided in 9 languages. Available counters: * Visits today * Visits yesterday * Visits in this month * Visits in previous month * Visits in this year * Visits in previous year * Visits total * Max. daily visits * Day of max visits * Max. monthly visits * Month of max visits * Impressions today * Impressions yesterday * Impressions this month * Impressions total * Bots today * Date since Additionally User can: * provide own date format * adjust number of visits (500 to increase, -500 to decrease) * enable/disable cache * change display format * change label in front of counter