
jFireWall Lite

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jFireWall LitejFireWall a professional components to protect your website from all types of hacker attacks. And this is now sole Firewall-component for Joomla! jFireWall Lite is a free professional component for protection of your joomla websites. jFireWall Lite is a professional tool that protects your website from SQL-Injection. jFireWall immediately reacts to any attempt to attack by hackers on your website and immediately take measures to lock the hacker. jFireWall Lite protects your website from: - SQL-Injection jFireWall Lite is not only a protector of your website, but also the best professional Brandmauer for your website. jFireWall works on the basis of certain rules. You can create unlimited number of them by yourself. For example to block not only one IP address, but also the whole country. Flexible settings allow you: - To block/unblock the access to your website; - To manage the access to your website by: Country; IP address; User-Agent. - To allow or restrict the access to your website. If you need the best protection from all types of hacker attacks that you need jFireWall

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