
JE K2 Story

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JE K2 Story100% MVC structure follow. User can add your stories in K2 items Front end: User can add stories into the K2 item. Admin and users get mail after user adds the story. Admin approve than show up in front-end. CAPTCHA code feature is available in front end side. User can upload images into the K2 item images. “Accept Terms & Condition” page are configure form the K2 items from the back-end that is display on front-end. Back end: Admin can configure the category and email address. Also admin can select the category whatever they want. Admin email format also user email format setting from back-end. Easy to make or change email format using wysing editor. Admin can disable and enable the category selection option. Support the Joomla 1.5. Features:- - Admin can configure the category and email address. - Easy to make or change email format using wysing editor in the back end. - User can add story in K2 items. Admin and users get mail after user adds the story. - Putting the CAPTCHA code for security. - User can upload images from front end into K2 images. - Admin approve than show up in front-end. Please add review about our extensions.

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