
JE Blaze Menu

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JE Blaze Menu100% MVC structure follow. JE Blaze Menu display in very different and excellent presentation of your menu module. We are using the jQuery for presentation of menu. There are four different themes added in that module. Top Down wave effect, Right left effect, two different color fade effects. There are 6 types of different color menu in that. * Goldnrod Menu * Gray menu * Green menu * Red menu * Skyeblue menu * Tomato menu Features:- * Add menu content from the menu manager. * N-level display in menu. * Easily change the menu theme. * Six Different Design available in one menu. Documentation:- Follows Below steps:- 1) Install module from the joomla installer. 2) After go to the module manager. 3) Select our module and go to edit page. 4) Published our module which ever position you want into the template.

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