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JChatSocialJChatSocial Standard is the most advanced, easy and cheap system embedded in your Joomla! site to communicate and share with other users with no fees or subscriptions, and once downloaded it's valid on how many domains you want! Of course no JomSocial without JChatSocial! JChatSocial Standard is an advanced system to communicate and share data with other users in easy way, using file attachment exchange, group chat for multi users conversations, audio sounds for new events, avatars and mobile devices support. All exchanged data remains within your server and performance can be fine-tuned based on your resources. With JChatSocial interface you and your site's users will feel like home, because it has been designed based on most popular social networks chat systems like Facebook. JChatSocial is the best and offical completion to your Joomla! social platform like JomSocial, Community Builder, Kunena, and more. Product features: ● Private and group chat: you can chat with other single users and also create multiuser conversation ● File attachments: send attachments to other users from your file system with just one click ● Audio alert: sounds will notify you for new messages coming up ● Messages admin: administration is available to see and export all details for exchanged messages between users ● Avatars: users can choose preferred avatar and upload it from file system ● Mobile devices: chat everywhere and with every devices, also mobile and touch devices and are supported ● Mobile and HTML5 technology: Today is most important chat in any place and on any device, for this JChatSocial Standard is built on rock solid HTML5 and supports every device and browser. It supports touch events to drag chatboxes easily with fingers. ● All runs on your server: All exchanged data remains within your server, so you don't have to worry about privacy or any type of 3PD subscriptions, because all that is required is just your Joomla! installation. This extension is available for ALL JOOMLA VERSIONS: 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 2.5, 3.x family.

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