
Flexible - Virtuemart Zoom Effect

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Flexible - Virtuemart Zoom EffectFlexible - Virtuemart Zoom Effect on Product Page Extension gives you Nice zoom effect to main picture and additional pictures on product detail page (fly-page). Module Comes with several parameters. There are 4 different Zoom type: Standard, InnerZoom, Drag and Reverse. Choose one of them which fits to your website best. DEMO: Virtuemart Zoom Effect Demo. (see all zoom types in action) Choosable Module Parameters: - Zoom type: Standard, InnerZoom, Reverse, Drag - Zoom Box Width - Zoom Box Height - Show / Hide Lens - Preload Large Images On / Of - Custom Loading Text enter field - Title Show / Hide - Zoom Box Always On / Off - Set Image Opacity - Fade In / Fade Out effect when Zoom Box appears / disappears - Zoom Box Position: Right, Left, Top, Bottom - xOffset of Zoom Box - yOffset of Zoom Box TESTED on Virtuemart 1.1.9 and Joomla 1.5.x

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