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FastBroadcast-CalendarFastBroadcast is specially optimized to publish Calendars for dance and spiritual events like partys, concerts, workshops, retreats, lessons etc.. The Events are stored at the server where the component requests records for a secific datapool like dance and spirit and or a secific scene like salsa, tango, meditation, yoga, science. You can setup the component to request specific information for a region with geocoordinates or the name of a city. So for example it is easy to build up a Calendar that shows the events of the tango-scene in Berlin. A very good demonstration of this component is the portal, a german portal for salsadancers in Hamburg/germany. Another example is the portal for spiritual events. For creation and editig events there exists a special application on the you can download and use for free. Organizer and teacher can use this tool to publish their events to a great community. For the administrator there ist less to do. The organizers and teachers are the owners of the events and they can edit and publish it in realtime.

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