
Expense Manager

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Expense ManagerExpense Manager is a solution to keep track of your personal or business finances and mantain a control on your expenses and income. Create unlimited categories for your expenses and assign colors to them to quickly identify every entry with its coloful tag. Create as many accounts as you want to know how much you spend using Credit Card, Bank transfers, cash... Know the total outcome or income for a given period of time, a given category or account... or all at once! Using the handy filters the extension we provide, you can know how much you spend in everything in just a couple clicks. Control your budget in a simple and intuitive unified view on your Joomla! site. And it is 100% Joomla 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 & 2.5 compatible. -Keep track of all your expenses and income -Unlimited number of categories -Unlimited number of accounts (Credit Card, Cash...) -Filter results by date range, category, account... -See totals right away and summaries for your income, outcome and balance -All-in-one view for quick access to everything -Colorful view to quickly identify the nature of your expenses -Compatible with Content Statistics (sold separately) to make beautiful graphic reports using colorful bar charts, line charts and pie charts.

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