
DS Banner Slider

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DS Banner SliderJoomla - DS Banner Slider, Scroll your banner! So why do we need to create another banner slider, well we know there's just so many banner slider out there that can do the tricks for you, but sometimes we would just love to use the banner component as a purpose of slideshow for simple use of unlink slideshow. Don't get me wrong on this, this banner is as powerful as a lot of slider out there. For example there's just endless parameter you can setup upon the back-end panel. Here's the list Enable to multi-select Banner Clients in Selection Box Enable to Set banner Limit Enable to multi-select Banner Categories in Selection Box Enable to select banner ordering Enable to set Unique id for each banner, multi banner sliders on 1 page. Enable to Hide/Show Banner Description Enable to Change Description Font Color Enable to Change Font Size Enable to Position the Description Text Enable to do Text Align Enable to Hide/Show Banner Control Enable to Hide/Show Previous and Next Button Enable to Hide/Show First and Last Button Enable to Hide/Show Number Indexing Enable to Hide/Show Start and Stop Button Enable to disable all banner links incase of slideshow purpose only. This module was inspire by open-lab:Matteo Bicocchi, special thanks for his jquery mb.scrollable plugin, we had modify his code a bit and transform it into joomla modules.

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