
DCE Metadata

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DCE MetadataThe plugin is an integration of Dublin Core Extended metadata for Joomla! 1.7+. Loosely based on Dublin Core Extended plugin for Joomla 1.5 by Erwin Nindl Simply upload, add the required fields as part of the plugin parameters and publish. Dublin Core Extended covers the following metadata specifications for Joomla: the basic Dublin Core specification the Australian Goverment Locator Service (AGLS) being a superset of Dublin Core the Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names Geolocation via ICBM Open Directory Project Changelog: 20.03.2013 -> version 1.06 various minor bugfixes, language file tweaks and name change to be in line with JED's naming specifications 23.01.2013 -> version 1.01 Fixed a bug wich caused malfunctioning of some components in Admin and pages displayed with '&format=raw' URL parameter

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