
CB plug MyPlayer (MP3 player and podcast generator)

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CB plug MyPlayer (MP3 player and podcast generator)This CB plugin integrates a great flash mp3 player on user profiles. Each member can manage, and edit his own playlist, uploading mp3 files or linkin distant ones or streams and removing them. Members can also fully customize the player such as any color (background, playlist, buttons, controls, slides, over, etc....) but also size, loop, autoplay, shuffle, volume etc... The upload form can guess ID3 tags or user can use their own title or artist name. Supports: 1. Podcast rss xml file updated for each member each time his playlist is updated 2. Popup window to keep on listening while browsing the site 3. Embed feature allowing visitors to add members players to their site or myspace etc... 4. Notifications to shoutbox and service to announce new playlist entries on users social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, myspace etc... Finally, administrator users can browse every members playlists in front end and remove inapropriate files... This plugin uses mootools slide, fade and accordion effects. A must have for any Community Builder driven site (the Jomsocial version is on its way)!

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