
Categories plugin for SOBI2

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Categories plugin for SOBI2This plugin allows you to change the Sobi category selector for a listbox based category selector. Based on our experience, some users dont understand the basic category tree selector. For this reason we have develop this new plugin. The categories are drawn in a listebox. Main features: * Support of non free cats: This plugin work with the Sobi2 categories options, and will be notify the user about the price and increase the summary * Parents cats: You can disable the selection of parent cats * Parents cats bis: If your category structure contains one parent cat named "countries", and another named "Colors", then you can create one liste based on the Country parent (contains only the childrens of country), and nother based on colors A sample is better as all descriptions, please try it by adding your company in the Joomla directory (See the demo link), or follow the documentation link. [English] , [Français]

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