
BT Background Slideshow

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BT Background SlideshowBT Background Slideshow is a background slideshow module for Joomla. It display images as slideshow in the background of your website. You can upload images, get images from different sources as Flickr Album, Joomla Folder, Picasa Album, Phoca Gallery... Extensions features Ability to upload, preview and order images from parameter Take images from different sources to slideshow (Flickr album, Picasa Album, Joomla Folder, Phoca Gallery Component, JoomGallery component) Drag & Drop and multiple files uploading support (Firefox, Chrome and Safari only) Integration with Joomla! articles and K2 component (Get title, description, link from Joomla articles and K2 items) Notify detail uploading errors No need to edit template file No need to add module position Select color and font for title, description... Unlimited Image Slideshow Unlimited Images for Slideshow Easiness to insert images links, captions and descriptions Hide/Show button in control options Fully compatible with Joomla! 1.7 and 2.5 Cross Browser Support: IE7+, Firefox 2+, Safari 3+, Chrome 8+, Opera 9+ Video tutorials and forum support provided System Requirement Joomla! CMS versions PHP versions 5.2+ GD Library enable SimpleXML Library enable mod_background_slideshow/ajax.php is 755 mod_background_slideshow/images folder and sub-folder are 777

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