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BanterBanter offers rooms, saved transcripts, and easy-file-uploads for live real-time discussion between team members along with easy client interaction through the Guest Access option and mobile access through a beautiful responsive design making it possible to join a room from anywhere! Live Chats With the Banter model you can now hold discussions among an unlimited number of team members and business partners directly on your website and in real-time. No more email headaches, missed IM conversations and one-on-one discussions that have to be repeated with other members of your company. Sounds notify you when a new message has been entered but can be disabled if necessary. Banter provides rooms with a variety of access levels: Public (access for all logged-in users), Member Only (access by invitation only), or Key (access with a key phrase). Upload files into your room by simply dragging them from your desktop into your browser window or by using the upload button. Files are displayed inline with your messages as well as in the files list on the right hand side. And lastly, you can star items to easily find them in the future. Locked Rooms Any room can be locked quickly and securely. A locked room allows no one else to enter the room regardless of other permissions unless they are an Admin user. While in a locked room no discussions or files are saved to the transcript and everything is considered "off-the-record". Guest Access Banter lets you bring a client into a room easily through a guest link. When the guest link is enabled simply send the client the link and they will be asked to enter a name and then allowed immediate access to the room. Guests will not see any chats, discussions, or files that were added before they joined the room, similar to a real conference room. Stored Transcripts All rooms and discussions store transcripts for you to quickly find things again. Starred items are automatically displayed for each transcript along with any files attached to the discussion or chat. Chat searching is an easy way to search across your rooms and discussions to find a specific word or phrase. CRM Integration Banter seamlessly integrates with CRMery so you can attach a room to a particular lead, contact, company or deal. When in the room you can jump to your CRM record for review or update. When in CRMery you are able to see all rooms associated with that record and all transcripts linked to that individual or company

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