
TCVN RSS Feed ReaderThe TCVN RSS Feed Reader Module get from RSS Feed URL and display it in a neat and elegant style, all you need to do is put the RSS Feed URL of the site you want to pull the content from and everything works fine. You have the power to control over the Feed content, Title, Description and Date, control feed column, image size and more. This module works fine with Joomla 1.6, 1.7 and Joomla 2.7. Features: √ Module to display RSS feeds published by other sites. √ This module works fine with Joomla 1.6, 1.7 and Joomla 2.7. √ Editable Top Pre Text √ Editable Bottom Pre Text √ Editable number of Feed to Display √ Optional Display Feed Description √ Limit Chars for Item Description √ Optional Display Read More Link √ Editable Read More Text √ Optional Display Feed item Meta (Author, creation date, category) √ Editable Date and Time Format √ To manipulate almost everything ! √ Totally customizable and skinnable using HTML and CSS √ Lightweight, modern and fast-loading design. √ W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional. W3C CSS Valid. √ Tableless design and 100% CSS-based √ Fully compatible IE7+, Firefox 2+, Flock 0.7+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5 √ Easy installation

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