
JO Facebook Activity FeedJO Facebook Activity Feed module is shows users what their friends are doing on your site through likes and comments. It is very simple to use and adaptive to any Joomla 1.6, 1.7, 2.5 website. The JO Facebook Activity Feed Module displays the most interesting recent activity taking place on your site. Since the content is hosted by Facebook, the Module can display personalized content whether or not the user has logged into your site. The activity feed displays stories when users interact with content on your site, such as like, watch, read, play or any custom action. Activity is also displayed when users share content from your site in Facebook or if they comment on a page on your site in the Comments box. If a user is logged into Facebook, the plugin will be personalized to highlight content from their friends. If the user is logged out, the activity feed will show recommendations from across your site, and give the user the option to log in to Facebook.

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